之前写的关于Maya批量传递UV的小插件。在传递大量模型的UV属性时可用,免得一个一个去Transfer Attribute。列表可编辑,便于多次分步进行模型选择和传递。
//The Plug-in of batch UVs Transfer //Script by @Mullin//Date Dec, 14th, 2015string $toSendList[];clear $toSendList;string $unfoldedOBJ;$unfoldedOBJ = "";//Function for the tip and attention windowsglobal proc wrong(int $WrongNum){ string $TextSay = ""; if($WrongNum==1) $TextSay = "Please select polygon objects."; if($WrongNum==2) $TextSay = "Please select one polygon object."; if($WrongNum==3) $TextSay = "You haven't selected an unfolded object."; if($WrongNum==4) $TextSay = "You haven't selected object(s) to transfer UVs."; if($WrongNum==5) $TextSay = "Don't transfer UVs to itself."; if($WrongNum==0) $TextSay = "Batch UVs transfer finished."; if(`window -ex wrong`) deleteUI wrong; window -title "Tips" wrong ; rowColumnLayout -rowAttach 1 "both" 18 -columnAttach 1 "both" 50; text -label $TextSay; setParent ..; showWindow wrong; window -edit -widthHeight 350 60 -s 0 wrong;}//The command function for the UV_unfolded_OBJ button global proc loadUVunfolded(){ global string $unfoldedOBJ; string $selectList[] = `filterExpand -sm 12`; $numSelect = size ($selectList); if ($numSelect == 0){ wrong(1); $unfoldedOBJ = ""; } if ($numSelect >=2){ wrong(2); $unfoldedOBJ = ""; } if ($numSelect == 1){ $unfoldedOBJ = $selectList[0]; } textField -e -text $unfoldedOBJ loadUnfoldedOBJ;}//The command function for the plus("+") buttonglobal proc listAdd(){ global string $toSendList[]; string $selectList[] = `filterExpand -sm 12`; $numSelect = size ($selectList); for($i=0; $i<$numSelect ; ++$i) { if (stringArrayContains($selectList[$i], $toSendList)==0 ){ stringArrayInsertAtIndex(1, $toSendList, $selectList[$i]); textScrollList -e -append $selectList[$i] toSendScroll; } } textScrollList -e -deselectAll toSendScroll; $numToSend = size($toSendList); string $textInTotal = "objects to transfer UVs ( " + $numToSend + " in total ):"; text -e -label $textInTotal textTotal; scriptJob -e "SelectionChanged" "highlightSelected";}//The command function for the remove("-") buttonglobal proc listSub(){ global string $toSendList[]; //the selection from the list to the scene select -r `textScrollList -query -selectItem toSendScroll`; string $selectList[] = `filterExpand -sm 12`; //remove the item from the list and the array $toSendList = stringArrayRemove($selectList,$toSendList); $numSelect = size($selectList); for($i=0; $i<$numSelect ; ++$i) { textScrollList -e -removeItem $selectList[$i] toSendScroll; } $numToSend = size($toSendList); string $textInTotal = "objects to transfer UVs ( " + $numToSend + " in total ):"; text -e -label $textInTotal textTotal;}//The "Clear" button functionglobal proc listClear(){ global string $toSendList[]; clear $toSendList; textScrollList -e -removeAll toSendScroll; text -e -label "objects to transfer UVs ( 0 in total ):" textTotal;}//Use the scriptJob to highlight the item selected from the scene,//which makes you select the list item more obviouslyglobal proc highlightSelected() { global string $toSendList[]; string $selectList[] = `filterExpand -sm 12`; $numSelect = size($selectList); textScrollList -e -deselectAll toSendScroll; for ($i=0; $i<$numSelect ; ++$i){ int $found = stringArrayContains($selectList[$i], $toSendList); if($found) { textScrollList -e -selectItem $selectList[$i] toSendScroll; } }}//The command function of the button "Transfer", the core proc of this plug-inglobal proc transferCommand(){ global string $unfoldedOBJ; global string $toSendList[]; $numToSend = size($toSendList); if ($unfoldedOBJ == ""){ wrong(3); return; } if ($numToSend == 0){ wrong(4); return; } for ($i=0; $i<$numToSend; ++$i){ //if you transfer attribute to the object itself, //Maya will report error and stop the procedure if ($unfoldedOBJ == $toSendList[$i]){ wrong(5); } else { select -r $unfoldedOBJ ; select -tgl $toSendList[$i] ; transferAttributes -transferPositions 0 -transferNormals 0 -transferUVs 2 -transferColors 2 -sampleSpace 4 -sourceUvSpace "map1" -targetUvSpace "map1" -searchMethod 3 -flipUVs 0 -colorBorders 1 ; wrong(0); } }}//To kill the scriptJob SelectionChanged after the window closedglobal proc closeWindow(){ scriptJob -killAll;}//The main window global proc mainWindow_UV_Transfer(){ if(`window -query -exists UV_Transfer`){ deleteUI UV_Transfer; }window -title "Batch UV Transfer" UV_Transfer;rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 1 -rowAttach 1 "top" 20 -columnAttach 1 "both" 25 -columnWidth 1 300; rowColumnLayout -columnWidth 1 150 -columnWidth 2 100 -numberOfColumns 2; textField -text "" -editable 0 loadUnfoldedOBJ; button -label "Load Unfolded" -c loadUVunfolded; setParent ..; separator -height 10 -st "none"; rowColumnLayout; text -label "Objects to transfer UVs ( 0 in total ):" textTotal; setParent ..; textScrollList -height 270 -allowMultiSelection true toSendScroll; rowColumnLayout -columnWidth 1 100 -columnWidth 2 100 -columnWidth 3 50 -numberOfColumns 3; button -label "+" -c listAdd; button -label "-" -c listSub; button -label "Clear" -c listClear; setParent ..; separator -height 15 -st "none"; button -label "Transfer" -c transferCommand; showWindow UV_Transfer;window -edit -widthHeight 300 440 -s 0 UV_Transfer; scriptJob -uiDeleted UV_Transfer closeWindow -protected;}mainWindow_UV_Transfer;